Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mantua Female Seminary

    During the nineteenth century there were a number of small schools, academies and seminaries in houses in Powelton.  These were set up by one or two teachers and most apparently lasted only a few years.  One of these was the Mantua Female Seminary.  During the early and mid-1860s, it was common for the northern parts of the neighborhood to be linked with Mantua, a much older neighborhood to the north of Spring Garden St.
     The only evidence I have found of this school is ads in the Philadelphia Inquirer in August, 1865 which read:
“MANTUA FEMALE SEMINARY, Baring ST., BELOW Thirty-Fifth, West Philadelphia.  A Day and Boarding School for Young Ladies.  The next Term will open September 4th.  For Circulars, apply to Rev. John Moore, Principal.”
   John  Moore lived at 3412 Baring St. from 1864 through the late 1860s.

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